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We would love to have your feedback!

From: Jackie S.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 19, 2013, 11:17 PM

Dear Meetup members,

We would love to have your feedback.  Please complete the survey below (underline, highlight, bold or type your responses in a different color) and return it to me.  Thank you!  :-)


 Jackie Simms, President
Board of Trustees
Ethical Culture Officiant
Humanist Celebrant
Ethical Society of Asheville



We would love to have your feedback! 


Please complete this survey and return it with Jackie Simms via email.  Thank you!

      1.            Please underline, bold, highlight on change font color to indicate your response:

 I am a:    Member                 Regular Attendee                      Occasional Attendee


2.            Approximately how long have you been attending the Ethical Society of Asheville?

                  ______ weeks     _______ months    _______ years


3.            What are/were your main reasons for joining/attending the Ethical Society?




4.            Are those reasons still applicable?           Yes             No


     5.            What do you like about the Ethical Society of Asheville?




     6.            What, if anything, would you like to be different about the Ethical Society of Asheville?




7.            Would you be willing to contribute to youth programming in the society?            

 Yes                  No

 If so, how?        Money         Time            Other: ___________________________

               Preferred Age Group:

               Preschool-K Elementary     Middle School       High School

               College/Young Adult


     8.      Highlight, underline, bold or change the font color to indicate the programs you currently attend:

      Platform Meeting              Colloquy            YouthQuest outings


9.         Do you like the meeting times and frequency?         Yes       No

 Why/Why not:



10. Do you think the Ethical Society should have any affiliation with or join the     American Humanist Association as members?    Explain below:




11. We are considering adding a tagline to our name. Please number the three that you like best in order of preference.


a.    Doing good unto others _______


b.    Working together for a better world ________


c.    Working for a better world ________


d.    A welcoming home for humanists ________


e.    A humanist community seeking a more ethical world ________


Other: _______________________________________



   12.  What are your thoughts about our current meeting location?



Name: ___________________________________

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