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Ethics & Philosophy Meetup...Friday at 6 PM

From: Richard M.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 25, 2009, 11:27 PM
Dear Fellow Philosophers,

Thanks for your interest. Someone had to do it, so I decided that our first meeting would on on Friday after Thanksgiving at Poor Richard's Restaurant off the Banfield in the Hollywood area. Here is a Google map if you've not been there:

We will be discussing a fascinating essay by Jonathan Bennett about moral decision making. Here is my synopsis of it and the entire essay.,the-conscience-of-huckleberry-finn-synop,the-conscience-of-huckleberry-finn.doc

If you click on those URL's and hit the blue downward arrow in the middle right, it ought to open them up in Word.

Bill and I will be at Poor Richards in a large booth probably in the back. I will have a sign that says Philosophy hanging off the table. I chose the place because it is centrally located and is relatively quiet. I will be having dinner and you can or not, whatever you want. The cost is considered "moderate" by Meetup, but not by me at $ 11-$30.

Anyway, we don't have to meet there again. I just needed someplace to start and The Garden Of Good and Evil was booked. There is no cost for the Meetup fee, I've already covered that.

About twenty people have joined so far, but I expect about three to actually show up. Let's just start this thing off find out why we're interested in ethics.


Richard Mohley

The Conscience Of Huckleberry Finn

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