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Miserable Jack Django and the Giraffe's birthday

From: Oli S.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 8, 2013, 7:08 PM

I've listed 3 films for watching on Saturday 19th January - Les Miserables, Jack Reacher and Django Unchained.

I'm listing meetups for all of them. RSVP for the ones (mulitiple if you like) that you'd like to see, we'll watch the one with the most votes.

And beforehand we'll go for a meal at Giraffe. If you're coming to both the meal and the film, please RSVP for both. Check out the meetups for more details.

This meetup will be on the 4 year anniversary of the start of Film Fans!

And I've been able to negotiate a better deal for tickets, so in future you'll only have to pay £8 for tickets (£8.50 through paypal) but don't worry about payment until we choose which film to see.

Seeya then,


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