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New Meetup: Amitie Expo 2009

From: Christine B.
Sent on: Saturday, September 26, 2009, 12:44 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for FRANCO LONG BEACH!

What: Amitie Expo 2009

When: October 10,[masked]:00 AM

Meeting Place
813 N. Camden Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Amiti?- Expo 2009 pour le b?n?fice de " M?decins Sans Frontieres"

Sous le haut patronage de M. David Martinon, Consul G?n?ral de France,
Los Angeles Accueil pr?sentera ses Artistes Francophones

Samedi 10 et Dimanche 11 Octobre de 11H a 17H

Entr?e gratuite.

[b]Los Angeles Accueil will have its annual INTERNATIONAL ART SHOW :

"AMITIE- EXPO 2009 " , for the benefit of "Doctors without Borders"

Open free to public.

Saturday October 10th and Sunday October 11th 2009, from 11AM to 5 PM

813 North Camden Drive, Beverly Hills CA 90210

Art, drawing, music, pastries....

Learn more here:

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