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Web Development Security Training @ DC Convention Center, April 3rd

From: Robert
Sent on: Tuesday, February 14, 2012, 3:59 PM
The following 1-day training is taking place at the OWASP AppSec DC 2012
conference on April 3rd. The course was sold out at the AppSec USA
conference last Fall, so early registration is recommended.

WebAppSec: Developing Secure Web Applications

Web applications continue to be the frontier of wide-spread security
breaches. This tutorial will guide through development practices to ensure
the security and integrity of web applications, in turn protecting user data
and the infrastructure the application runs on. Several attack types and
risks will be reviewed (including OWASP's Top 10), along with how the proper
development practices can mitigate their damage. Although examples covered
are PHP-based, much of the content is also applicable to other languages.

Pre-registrants will receive printed course notes and a certificate of
completion good for continuing education credits.

More info at­ or


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