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Update to the Guide to PFS Organized Play version 5.0

From: Dan S.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 7, 2013, 2:35 PM




As most of you should know, the new Guide to PFS Organized Play, version 5.0, hit our downloads a few days ago and rated a Paizo blog post. However, if you’ve been following the hundreds of comments posted to the blog post you’ll have noticed that many people are still confused by some of the new rules, and other people have noticed a few discrepancies between different sections. For that reason, Mike Brock will be making a few tweaks/clarifications and re-releasing version 5.0 in a few days, so treat the version you have as a 98% draft.


If any of you have comments or questions, now is the time to post a comment about it, while Mike is still editing it!


Also, while I previously summarized many of the changes coming in the Guide, one last thing was included that I could not discuss before: retraining!  If you own Ultimate Campaign you may have noticed a short section that allows characters to retrain a class level, archetype, feat, racial trait, skill point, etc. Normally it costs gold and time, but since time between scenarios is not measured the PFS answer is that retraining costs you gold and prestige points. Totally retraining major aspects of a character is thus quite expensive, but if some new archetype just really grabbed your fancy or that one feat you took just didn’t pan out like you thought it would, take a look at the new rule and see if you want to pay for some retraining.


One new document included at the end of the Guide is an Inventory Tracking Sheet. As of August 14th these will be REQUIRED for each PFS character! It’s optional to go back and create an inventory history of all of your character’s items from level 1, but all new purchases must be itemized and tracked going forward. Expect more spot-audits by GMs of your characters in the future, too. If you don’t keep your paperwork up-to-date you may be asked to play a pre-gen instead. No, HeroLab does not let you get around these requirements.


Finally, Mike Brock just posted almost three dozen new topics in the PFS FAQ at They’re pretty easy to pick out with their red lettering. Most all of these are direct responses to discussions held in the PFS messageboards, so as always if you have a question about your character take a quick look at the FAQ and Additional Resources, then do a search of the messageboards. If you still don’t find an answer feel free to contact one of us Venture Officers for clarification.




Dan Simons

The VC of DC

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