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MEMBER needs help in locating summer work for her two bright and accomplished children !!!

From: Fena D.
Sent on: Monday, June 3, 2013, 7:58 AM

From our member Dee:


Hi! I'm reaching out to all of you on behalf of 2 of my kids.

As many of you know, I have a set of twins who will be college seniors in the fall. They are looking for summer job experiences that will enhance their education to-date. They are both available immediately through mid-August.

Both are quick learners and have excelled in their school work.

My son is studying economics and mathematics. His coursework has run the gamet of international & third world economics along with graduate-level math classes. He thinks that he'd eventually like to work at the Federal Reserve. During high school, he worked as a Walgreen's cashier and later became a registered pharmacy technician. While at the University of Minnesota, he worked with the sociology department to input and mine data for research projects for people all over the country. He also has research experience after working on new domestic job-creation policies designed to help growing businesses.

He has just returned from a semester in London where he interned with a start-up company as an international logistics manager. He did cost-benefit analysis for small-to-medium scale international transport of product from Italy to stores in London and New York. Currently, he's looking for an experience at a corporate HQ, a managerial level or research department.

My daughter is studying physiology and psychology. She is on the pre-med track and has taken classes in biology and physics along with lots of chemistry. She took her MCAT tests in late April and is applying for medical school. Her goal is to work as a doctor with an emphasis on public health. During high school, she worked as a lifeguard at an aquatic center and also at a Chinese restaurant.

While at the University of Minnesota, she was a key contributor and interviewer for a study on addictions and wrote several literature reviews, volunteered at a hospital ER, and went to India to study medical practices and public health in that country. Currently, she's looking for an experience in a hospital, larger clinic or other medical practice.

Please contact me directly at [address removed] if you or a friend/associate knows of a potential fit for either student. I'll pass all opportunities on to the appropriate student. Thanks for your assistance!

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