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Clay Day at 1:00 today!

From: Barbara M.
Sent on: Saturday, September 1, 2007, 8:59 AM
Hello everyone.
We are all looking forward to a great meet- up this afternoon. Thanks to everyone for responding. Our group is nearly 10 persons. We'll take pictures so those that can't make it will still be able to enjoy the experience. - And we'll have another.

Parking - The drive is marked with signs.
We have lots of land to park on, on sides of the circle drive and also on the sides of the drive extending to the rear. My sons (or I will direct you.)

Refreshments - We've got it covered, but bringing your own soft drink would assure you something you like.

Supplies - Got that covered too - just bring clay ( I also have stock) and personal tools. You can bring a pasta machine if you want, but don't overload!

Time - We'll start at 1:00, and go until......the late afternoon. Just give yourself enough time to finish something. There's probably persons who just want to watch and that's OK too. There's a lot to look at.

One last thing - I am an artist and our house is 'under construction' - a little premature for the tour of homes! It definitely has character and I hope you will enjoy it in it's developing stages. Due to the number of people we will be 'claying' in the living room (a room with a view)!

Questions?[masked] - We are located at 2075 Buford Dam Rd. at the end of Little Mill Rd. (turn left towards the Dam - 4th structure on left after intersection ). Little Mill is off Peachtree industrial, just north of Hwy 20 and south of Friendship Rd.

See you soon!

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