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New Learning Opportunities (And Discounts): CodeStreak, LearnStreet, TreeHouse

From: Pamela
Sent on: Friday, November 16, 2012, 7:38 AM

Hey folks-

To start off with, I wanted to highlight a few new resources and opportunities that might interest you.

CodeStreak is a new SF bootcamp dedicated to teaching Ruby. They’ve offered GDI members a $1000 discount, using the secret code “GirlsDevelopIt”.

LearnStreet is a new way to learn Ruby, JavaScript, or Python online, and one of our own members is now working there. (They’re also looking for a frontend developer, if you’re already an expert in that.)

TreeHouse is a way to learn web development online. They’ve offered GDI members a 50% discount on the gold or silver plans. Get the discount here.

For those of you who are learning development in order to get started in the industry, I asked around for suggestions on the best way to do that, and summarized that in this blog post. There’s lots of great comments on it as well from self-taught developers. Also check out this blog post from someone who went down the path.

If you did a CS degree in college, you may want to help out with this research survey.


And now for our usual list of links! ----

GirlDevelopIt Events:

If you are interested in attending one of our events but cannot afford the cost, please request a GDI scholarship.



  • CatalystClass is accepting applicants for their 12-week JavaScript bootcamp in SF. Tuition fees are still being decided, but some financial aid may be available:
  • GeneralAssembly is accepting applications for several courses:
  • AppAcademy accepting applications for their intensive Ruby bootcamps in 2012:

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