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New meetup group

From: Samuel Y.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 7, 2014, 4:29 PM

I'm sorry if people will feel that this is of topic.

I have started a new meetup group that will be much softer and less planed then any of this fine events that are in this group. However this is in Alingsås (mostly cause there is the only place i can get locale).

If you are interested in having a place to start and/or finish your projects, write Katas, or are looking for a project to join then this meetup is for you. You are more then welcome with your Python (and other language) projects and Katas.

There will be served coffee and I will be there to serve you discussion topics and/or proposal of Katas and projects to join.

Even if this is nothing for you personally, if you know someone in the Alingsås area that could be interested pleas forward. We have no age or education target so every one are welcome.

I will try to have a meeting opportunity every week but members are only expected to show up when they have time. And we will try to _not_ have subjects on the meetings, to encourage people to not get stressed over missing a event.

Samuel Ytterbrink

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