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Summer, humidity and hiking !!!!!!!

From: Dale
Sent on: Tuesday, June 19, 2012, 11:59 AM

It is summer, and this may be one of earliest summers we have had in some time when it comes to the humidity.  I am no fitness guru, but after doing a couple hikes this past weekend with the high humidity, I have some suggestions.

Summer hikes at the higher elevations in the smokies can be very enjoyable.  Some of the hikes I have scheduled at the higher elevation are for that purpose.

However, if you plan to hike this summer get out of the house, get out of the gym and exercise by walking on the many greenways around Knoxville, Maryville, and Oak Ridge or by riding your bike.   You cannot wait until the day of the hike to get outside and get use to the change in the humidity.  Working out in that air conditioned gym is not going to help you either.  You may feel fit, and like the way you look, but you will be dying when you hit the trails in the smokies.

While you may have developed your hiking stamina this spring, with the humidity you still need to get out and condition yourself to the change in the temperature.

When you are selecting your hiking clothes for this summer, I would strongly suggest avoiding cotton as it gets very heavy with sweat.  This includes, pants, shirts, tops, underwear, and socks.  Wicking material is best and even that material will still have a lot of sweat in it on a day with high humidity.  Wool blend for socks.

Condition yourself to take a break in the summer on a hike whether you feel like you need it or not.  At least every hour.  You need to make sure you have a snack to replenish the energy your body has used due to the heat.  A snack is important at the breaks even if you do not feel like you need.  You may want a snack that contains some type of quick energy release.

Make sure you have plenty of water to drink.  You need to drink it frequently during the hike so you are constantly resupplying your body.  Don't wait until your body is cramping from lack of water or you feel extremely hot.   Either the water or your snacks need to contain some type of electrolytes.

There is a mixture of hikes in July and August.  For those wanting short 2-3 mile hikes, it is just not economically practical for most organizers to schedule those as we are driving too far.  Current short hikes for July is the 9 mile one on July 7th which will start in the Clingman's area.   July 21st is a short hike up Big Creek to the Midnight Hole and Mouse Creek Falls.  This is a hike most anyone in the group can do.  You have a chance to play in the water and enjoy the area.  Big Creek is one of the nice areas of the park that does not get a lot of use.

Whatever you do, don't sit on that couch and play with your laptop or the tv remote.   Get out and enjoy the summer in the smokies.  Just because it is summer does not mean you have to stop hiking.  It just means you get better prepared for the hike.   There is nothing like being able to experience the smokies in all the different seasons. Each season mother nature paints the smokies with a different blanket and landscape that is worth enjoying.

People complain about relationships getting stagnant or in a rut because everything is always the same.  It gets that way because people see relationships like hiking, only work at it during parts of the year instead of all year long.  Hiking is a year round activity, not just spring and fall.  Get out and sweat a little. It will be good for you and make you appreciate life even more.   You will enjoy the company along the hike, and besides we need some new stories to tell.
