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Just an idea

From: Nicole B.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 17, 2007, 9:09 PM
How about a poker thing?  I know I know I know.  Sounds weird but we can train the mind.  plus do it in a safe clean environment.  Houses, restaurants, sports clubs.... Meeting people over a card game?  Kind of cool.  Meet people while trying win $10 or $100,000 bucks!  Found for finding, scheduling or organize/host games in town.  Pretty cool. I know a bunch of people down in NY and over in Vancouver using this site to do it.  Kind of like Meetup combined with Myspace + Outlook with personalized calendars.  It's not an online site to play cards but has links and invitations to bar, club, restaurant and home games.  There's even free membership access.  Been watching the site.  Looks like lots of people from pretty much all over the US have found it and seem to be diggin' it.   Just an idea.

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