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Three charts the fossil fuel industry and Fox News don't want you to see

From: Sam
Sent on: Tuesday, September 9, 2014, 9:04 AM
The cost of a watt from solar is more than 100 times cheaper than it was in 1977.

The cost of electricity from solar panels is now lower than the cost of retail electricity in a lot of markets.  The cost of solar is headed towards the wholesale cost of electricity from natural gas:

The growth of the market for solar in the U.S. is growing by leaps and bounds.

Join us at the Humanists of Fort Worth meeting tomorrow night (Wed.) at 7:00 p.m., Westside UU Church, 901 Page Ave--unless you really like oil spills, coal ash spills, poisons in the air and water, and mercury in the fish you and your children eat.

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