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Attention Developers! Windows Phone Camp comes to Hyderabad on the 28th of January

From: user 1.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 24, 2012, 11:39 AM
Hi all, in collaboration with Microsoft is conducting a Windows Phone camp for all developers interested in building apps for Windows Phone. This event gives you a big picture of the opportunity that lies in Windows Phone ecosystem. Highlights the philosophy, the platform capabilities, how it ties in with the existing assets – cloud, office, Sharepoint etc. Attending this session will help you understand the opportunity that Windows Phone has for Developers , Businesses, Enterprises, .coms, etc. There will be a number of hands on sessions on designing, developing and publishing Windows Phone appllications! More details about the event here -   The event is free of cost and all developers interested to participate can register here : . Here are the event details:    When: 28th January

Where: ITC Kakatiya, Hyderabad

Time: 9a.m – 5p.m

All developers participating in the event can use resources at Microsoft Hyderabad office to hack and make apps after a week and developers who publish apps will be entitled for free Windows Phones as well!  

  If you need any further information, please tweet me @VJV87 or call me at [masked]   Come, develop apps for the World's fastest growing Mobile App Store!   Thanks!


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