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New Meeting: Denver TheatreSports Improv Comedy Workshop

From: Fran R.
Sent on: Thursday, April 3, 2008, 3:07 AM
Announcing a new meeting for The Denver Improv Comedy Meetup Group!

What: Denver TheatreSports Improv Comedy Workshop

When: Wednesday, April 9, 6:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: If you'd like an opportunity to do improv in the style of the improv show "Whose Line is it anyway?", this is your chance!

Why: You'll love it because you'll get your creative juices flowing.

Meeting Description: The director of the Denver TheatreSports workshop is John Klug. If you have any questions, you can reach him at [masked] or email him at [address removed].

One of the talented members of his workshop, Mike Moesta, is a registered walking improv host with Topic-Talk Walks. You can see photos and read more about Mike, the workshop, and Smiley Library at Mike's TTW domain web page.

The workshop is from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. The library closes promptly at 8:00 pm. After an hour and a half of exercising your improv skills, your improv muscles are limber and ready for real life improv in your week ahead.

Learn more here:

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