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Space Battle Collaboration Guidelines

From: Dave "Jacksmack" F.
Sent on: Monday, March 1, 2010, 11:10 PM
Hello everyone!

So as you may have read we are doing a project as a group. It will be a Galaga style top down shooter with space elements.

There have been a few concerns raised about how to keep consistency of design across the entire game since we are doing it as a collective. So I am sending out this list of guidelines for the design of your levels.

FIRST: For next week's Meetup you can bring sketches of your designs, you don't have to do finished pieces. Once we see the art that the group is bringing together we will discuss each others designs and any modifications that are needed to make the game consistent looking. If your design needs some polish don't sweat it you will have time to work on it and if you need help you can ask.

The background for your level should be a static image of a space scene, it can have a planet or a star port or something in the distance but don't make it so complex and detailed that it detracts from the ships in the foreground.

You are to create 4 ships and a boss battle.

Ship Types:
Fast weak ship (there will be many of these at once on screen)
Medium speed medium strength ship (these take more shots and can be bigger than the weak ones)
Slow strong ship (Space ship equivalent to a tank several shots needed to kill them)
Wild card ship (wild card can be any type you want that isn't hard to implement into the game and fits)

The style of the artwork can be whatever you want it to be, however I recommend bringing sketches to the meetup for some feedback before going full boar on finished designs.

I will be sketching out the hero ship and posting an image on the forum so once that is done if you want you can use it as inspiration for your ships.

Please note that participation is completely optional, and you are welcome to help critique the ships and help test the game as well. For your ships to be used in the game though you need to attend the meetup. Absentee submissions of extremely high quality will of course be considered but will take a back seat to meetup attendees.

I hope this gives you some more needed information about the project. Remember this is suppose to be a fun group project so have fun with it and if you have any questions let me know!

You can also find this as a forum post on the meetup main page so if you want to have an open discussion head over to the forums.

Have a great week everyone! I will post my sketches on the forum as soon as I have them done.

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