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Can You Help?

From: Sandra L.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 14, 2013, 11:31 AM

Dear Animal Communicator,

It is rare that I post this kind of message on our site.  This is from a client who desperately needs a home for their two cats.  She and her soon to be husband will pay for food and vet bills if required.  If you or anyone you know can help, please contact her directly.  The number is at the bottom of her email.

Sweetest Blessings,


Hi Sandra!

Thank you for offering to forward this email to your distribution list. Kevin and I are pretty "panicked" about finding a home for his two cats, Hershey and Smokey (photo below). We will pay for their food and vet bills so that finances won't be a reason for someone not to adopt them.
We are getting married this Friday. Kevin has had his cats for 12-1/2 years (they are very healthy kitties). Needless to say, he would much prefer to keep them but when we begin living together there will be two dogs added to the mix. At first Kevin thought we could make this arrangement work. But after much consideration he knows that it would be in the best interest of Hershey and Smokey to be with a loving family with no dogs. They have been exposed to one of our dogs (Riley) because we rescued her a couple of years ago. She spent half her time at my place and the other half at Kevin's (she's with me permanently now since I've already moved into our home). Smokey became depressed over this because he could no longer roam freely and, as a result, confined himself to living above the kitchen cabinets. He wouldn't come down unless Riley was gone and this affected his eating and he's lost a lot of weight. Hershey handles Riley much better and Riley, for the most part, is good with Hershey. But my Boxer, Macy, has never lived with cats and she likes to bark at them incessantly and chase them, too. Riley "feeds off" of Macy so Macy's reaction to the cats will make Riley more aggressive towards them. I know that Macy would not hurt them but she will go after them. Hershey and Smokey will be tormented by this behavior.
We want Hershey and Smokey to have a normal cat life. They are used to a quiet, peaceful environment and Riley changed that for them. Before they would have a break from her, sometimes for several days, but now it will be very different. Now there will be two dogs, and no breaks from them. They won't be able to roam their new home and will become even more depressed. We don't want this for them. Kevin's sister was willing to take them but her landlord won't allow it. So we are stuck. Kevin has to be out of his apartment by August 24th and we are becoming short on time to find them a home.
Any help from your friends would be greatly appreciated. If anyone knows of seniors at assisted living homes that can adopt please let us know! Again, we'll pay for Hershey and Smokey's expenses. We just need to find them a loving home.
Thank you in advance!