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2 Ways to Spiritual Power

From: Lani
Sent on: Wednesday, January 16, 2013, 1:12 PM

Spiritual Power Teleclass Tonight with Replays, 1/16 and 1/23 6pm PST

Register here for call instructions


The 2 Ways to Spiritual Power are:

1) Listening to Spirit (iintuition exercises)

2) Talking to Spirit (making powerful requests)

The latter is less understood.

A Psychic talks to spirit to invite a good reading, often with 'amazing results'

A Healer talks to spirit to invite a good healing, often with 'amazing results'

A Manifestor talks to spirit to invite a miracle, often with 'amazing results.'


You can make miracles in your life! In this very special class "Spiritual Power", to learn how to create miracles for the amazing results you deserve in your life. 

I've seen this work personally and profoundly and I invite you to join me. We'll combine ancient Yogic and Hawaiian wisdom with modern science to show you how to invite spirit, for miracles!


Register here for call instructions. Aloha

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