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Announcing our Jewish RAW Vegan Ecological Group in California, USA

Recently I came across the concept Frum Vegans. I suppose if you consider how strict frum people are who observe Kosher practices, you might consider carefully going back to our roots and looking at how our lifestyle might have been like in the old days, long before the present day traditional  norms, when it comes to how strictly Kosher are we in our diets today and why is it rather significant?

It would appear that Raw Vegan recipes might be easier to monitor regarding what type of Hashgacha or Rabbinical Supervision, no cooking vessels, etc., no cruelty to animals, which would make much more sense considering what one is complying with; while at the same time following a lifestyle more in keeping with guarding the ecology! The spirit of the law, and not just how strictly we monitor types of dishes/pots-and-pans, etc., an examination of what's behind the meanings of these traditions, possibly with the original motivator of compassion as a driving force behind the reason for the awareness that vegan lifestyle perhaps more closely connects the roadmap to Kosher observance... do you agree? Why is this so, and what examples can you think of?

Please contact me to make any suggestions on what interests you on this topic. We wish to include all those who have something to add, and make sure everyone who participates in our Kosher raw vegan pot lucks, etc., is as comfortable as possible with the style and format of this group.

By the way, thank you, Adam, for mentioning that when you pronounced the acronym, or tried to sound it out loud (without spelling out each letter separately) it semed like speaking an imperitive: Eat-Your-Veg! IJ-R-VEG!

Let's together make the International Jewish Raw Vegan Ecological Group as appealing to those who feel comfortable, as possible.

Granted, not everyone who is vegan likes vegan raw food types of recipes, but those who are already enjoying raw vegan meals might not feel as comfortable joining a group where, for the most part, its pot lucks contain a lot of cooked food!

May we boldly suggest that this might be a great way to welcome newcomers, and ask here whether you have you ever heard of the term Frum Vegans before?

Frum Vegans may have started either in New York or Boston, not sure exactly, but what have YOU found out about this concept, so far?







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