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Saved! (Not like Bob Dylan!)

From: Jim C.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 10, 2011, 12:08 PM

Who else thinks it's important to have alternative ways to affiliate with Jewish people?


This meetup group was founded, I think (I didn't do it!), to provide venues and ways for un-connected and disconnected Jews to find each other, socialize, and help each other find meaning.


According to Meetup, 79 people have joined this group at one time or another. I have attended a number of functions and have met people with whom I've formed valuable friendships. Usually small numbers of people attended the meetings.


Where are the others? Who are you? What did you expect or hope for from the group? What did you not find that perhaps alienated you?


 I've signed up as the organizer for this group for one month, in order to save it from oblivion. I'd appreciate hearing from everyone, even just a hello. If you have more to say than that, please do. As the publisher of The Jewish World newspaper and web site, I am interested to learn about the concerns of all Jewish people in the area.


I have this set up so your reply will go to all members, in order to promote discussion. If you would rather communicate with me directly, you can send notes to me here: jjxclem at aol . com.


I have limited time to run a group like this. I have ideas and I can help publicize its activities. Going forward I will need someone to share responsibility — if there's a desire — if there's a need.

Let me know your thoughts.


Jim Clevenson


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