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Skeptics: History of the World Part 2 tonight, Sat, July 21, 7pm at Perkins.

From: cole m.
Sent on: Saturday, July 21, 2012, 11:08 AM

History of the World Part 2 tonight, Sat, July 21, 7pm at Perkins.  

You don't want to miss this!  It's on the evolution of humans. JOIN US! TO RSVP:


The one hour second part is on the evolution of human culture.
The second part of the documentary is devoted to human history, which, though it occupies but a small fraction of those 13.7 billion years, has seen our species disperse across the globe, harness fire, learn to use tools and language, invent farming, learn to think symbolically as well as practically, fight wars, foster massive empires, become largely monotheistic, transform civilization with the Industrial Revolution (leading to electricity, flight, the automobile, and so much more)…. It's exhausting merely to recount it, let alone stay focused as all of this information comes rushing by. It's also true that with little or no time to back up all the facts and figures offered here, those who remain skeptical of science and hew to a more "creationist" viewpoint are unlikely to have their opinions swayed. Still, History of the World in Two Hours is an excellent jumping off point for a more thorough examination of this enormous topic. --Sam Graham
Cole Morgan [address removed]  [masked]