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Campaign to get Jessica Ahlquist nominated for Presidential Citizens Medal

From: Josh H.
Sent on: Friday, April 20, 2012, 10:42 AM
JT Eberhard is trying to get collections of signatures to nominate Jessica Ahlquist for the Presidential Citizens Medal:

For those who are unaware, Jessica Ahlquist is a sixteen-year-old girl who, in the face of death threats and threats of violence, worked to remove a prayer banner hung by her school - a promotion of one religion (Christianity) over all others. It's hard for anyone to come out against the social grain like that, but even harder for someone in high school, when social status is so key and stepping outside the mainstream can result (and has resulted) in social ostracization.

If you've got five minutes, I encourage you to sign the petition and submit a nomination for Jessica Ahlquist from Cranston, Rhode Island