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Happy International Tabletop Day!!!!!

From: Patrick B.
Sent on: Saturday, April 11, 2015, 8:37 AM

Good morning friends,

I wanted to be one of the first to wish you good game on this holy high holiday of gaming goodness.  I hope you have already found friends and loved ones to game with today, but if you have not, I'll have some helpful links below so you can find one of the many Geek & Sundry official events.  If you go to one of the events listed, there will be giveaways and a decent crowd to game with.  For those looking for a slightly more mellow gaming experience today, the club is also hosting an event sans giveaways.  If our game location internet connection can handle it, we will have the streamed event playing for your viewing pleasure as well.

I hope you experience some good gaming today; with lots of laughing, crying, and maybe a little bit of pouting (we all have our off games).

I leave you with a final thought.  A saying of our people: "Wood for sheep?  I've got wood for sheep.  Can anyone give me some sheep for this wood?"

Patrick Ballou


Club event:

Official event page: