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New Meetup: Paint-Dancing / Wine & Cheese Art Event

From: Nanda D.
Sent on: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 10:47 AM
Girls, let's bring out our inner artists at this awesome event! It's a fusion of creating art - dancing - enjoying wine (see how that will be inspiring, right?)! This event happens regularly at ArtRebel, but on November 7th they will close the doors and host it for just us - if we have enough girls! So if you are interested in what I think will be a lasting memory for sure, RSVP! You can chack out some photos to see what this is normally like at ArtRebel, at As you will see, their prices are much more expensive - we got a great deal, so let's enjoy it while it lasts! :)

Paint/Dance/Wine&Cheese Art Event

This event is truly unique! It has 5 parts that make it awesome!
1. Painting in a supportive environment - all levels are welcome, and in the end, you get to take home your own beautiful piece of artwork!
2. There will be music and dancing (and paintdancing for those brave ones... !)
3. They will have delicious wine and cheese to keep your tummy from growling while you create your art!
4. This will be a total girls night out - for us only!
5. If you are less of an artist, you can just mingle and enjoy the wine and cheese and girly talk!

This event will be wonderful! I hope many of us can make it!!

Here is what they had to say about it:

We will supply you with everything, all you have to bring is yourself and get ready to paint and dance. The cost is $40.

This event will offer your group a fun and supportive community devoted to creative expression through art, dance, and both at the same time.

* a warm welcome
* the freedom to dance, paint, or do both at the same time, according to how you feel
* music that is eclectic, evocative, & movement-inducing, including funk, world music, hip hop, electronica, reggae, house, blues, jazz, dance classics & more.
* a group of friendly, fun-loving, non-judgmental people to share in your dancing & painting

* your friendly, fun-loving, non-judgmental self, dressed for a little mess (NOT "dressed to impress"), wearing comfy shoes for dancing
* We will supply refreshments but feel free to bring your own water bottle to drink from (we have water!)


Learn more here: