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Re: [LIRawVegans] E3live at Coop

From: Shelly and B.
Sent on: Saturday, April 11, 2015, 12:31 AM
-----Original Message-----
From: Shelly and Bill <[address removed]>
To: rawfood-218 <[address removed]>
Sent: Sat, Apr 11,[masked]:12 am
Subject: [LIRawVegans] E3live at Coop

I shopped at the Park Slope Coop today.  E3 live is $ 24 at the Coop. I picked up as the
 last thing in my shopping cart. NO line to pay. I got home within a hour had it in a cold bag it stayed mostly frozen. I was only able to pour out a teaspoon full when I got home. I am thinking in the future I can take a separate small cooler bag with me with ice bags which should keep it totally frozen in the car
therefore if you want me  to pick you up some in the future when I am there to save money I can.
Even if the Coop is crowded I can buy it separately and wait on the express lines for ten items or less. that's goes pretty fast.
I know your probably too busy to follow the back and forth emails on Port Ambrose but every time I send email out on the topic it creates controversy. oh well.
La Chaim to E3 live

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