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Lean Startup Good Reads #3

From: Robbert van G.
Sent on: Friday, October 9, 2015, 11:48 AM

Hi there!

It's been a while since we sent out our previous reader digest. Here's our pick for you to enjoy this weekend!

Highlighted: How To Listen To Customers When Validating An Idea (title says it all)

Other good reads:

Although not all entrepreneurs realize it, most of them are experimenting even if they're not applying lean startup. So here's how you can do that better:

The 7 Habits for Running Highly Effective Experiments

Concierge and Wizard of Oz MVPs often get mixed up. Here's a read on how to distinct between the two:

Concierge vs. Wizard of Oz Test

The go-to example everybody uses to explain Jobs-to-be-Done. Watch the video about milkshakes to learn about this:

How Jobs-to-be-Done can help you create successful products

Also, you can join us on the international Lean Startup Circle slack group, by registering your email address at

Best regards,

Bob & Robbert


Upcoming events:

13-10: Deep-dive with Sean Murphy on #custdev for B2B startups @ Kleinhandel, Rotterdam (1 spot for a team left)

15-10: Meetup @ Utrecht Inc , Utrecht

22-10: #EhvSummit in Eindhoven (includes a spot in the Playing Lean workshop)

29-10: Meetup @ Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam (organized jointly with Lean Startup Machine Amsterdam and Meet Berlage



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