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Election 2012 Just Got Very Interesting!

From: Zak C.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 9, 2011, 8:41 AM


The Revolution now has it’s own PAC!


As a Super PAC, Revolution PAC is not subject to the $2500 maximum that applies to presidential campaigns, so it provides a further outlet for those who have already donated the maximum to a campaign.

“Ron Paul is known for having exceptionally creative and energetic grassroots support. Revolution PAC will help make some of their best ideas a reality, we’ve got great ideas for television and radio ads – and other things, too – that will highlight the congressman’s unmatched record and differentiate him from the other candidates,”  - Dr. Thomas Woods, Revolution PAC Advisory Board Chairman

Are you maxed out on donations to Ron Paul’s campaign?  Please consider a donation to the Revolution PAC. 

 Do you know anyone with deep pockets, or have ties to a company with values in line with Dr. Paul’s?  Please make the case to them in considering a donation to the Revolution PAC – Making sure this PAC is fully funded will give us the edge we need to ensure a victory for Ron Paul!