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Victoria Day Celebrations at Fort York

From: Alex S.
Sent on: Monday, May 13, 2013, 11:53 PM

Hello Everyone,

One of our own members, Alona, will be performing English Country Dances with the York Regency Dancers during Victoria Day celebrations at Fort York. Unfortunately I won't be able to host a meetup for this one but I still wanted to get the word out to our group. There will be two different performances, 2:30 PM and 3:30 PM (both outside the grounds) and the audience will get to see the them in full costume as they recreate dances that were part of the social scene of that time, (War of 1812) the Regency Era. You will be able to have your picture taken with them as well. 

In addition,  there are tours, Soldiers drills, Demos, Cooking demos from that Era... All included in the admission to the Fort York grounds: Adult $7.96 Child $3.76 Senior $3.81.

This will all take place Monday, May 20th, at Fort York, Victoria Day. If you can, go support our friend Alona!!

Thanks, Alex


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