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From: rouf
Sent on: Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 4:25 PM


 Just a quickie about our group….


 Last year was a great year for the folk meetup group  - we had many great gigs!

If you were to click on ‘past meetups’ on our webpage you’d see established artists (eg Lisa Knapp) and new bands (eg Bard). Was also lovely that some of our members became organisers and arranged their own meetups for gigs, (hope to see more of this in 2013).


Just a couple of things about RSVP’s; from now on there will be a set number of slots for each gig so please only RSVP if you can actually make it to the gig otherwise you may be preventing another member attending....


Next up is Ewen Mclennan on Sat Feb 9th…. I have already lined up several more gigs which will be posted on our page soon

 See you at one of our gigs....!




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