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Tech question on Malaysian flight MH370

From: lionel n.
Sent on: Monday, March 24, 2014, 11:54 AM
Hey Guys,
I appreciate this is not java related, but the recent disappearance of Malaysian flight MH370, and similar air disasters, and disappearances, which result in hefty costs, lengthy searches, and investigations, have left me pondering about something.
Is there not a possibility of streaming live black box data (voice + flight data) on the cloud, in such a way that whenever such tragic events occur, there is readily available data to analyse and investigate?
Don't we have enough technologies and scientific research to enable this?
How much data per flight would that mean ?
What are the limitations?
Are there any security concerns?
Does the frequency at which these disasters occur outweigh the need of such technology?
How costly would that be - say per flight? Not long ago, I watched a video online where James Gosling was explaining how streaming data into the cloud from a robot in the sea, is something like a $1 per kilobyte in their liquid robotic project...
It would be interesting to know your thoughts on the subject...

Thank you,

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