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What we’re about

The primary aim of this group is self-work and self-understanding. It offers an empowering class/group session that is focused on bringing higher frequencies of love, light, wisdom and empowerment into our daily lives.

We meet every few weeks to learn, meditate and use techniques to heal daily issues in our lives, as well as manifest what we want while assisting others. We track and clear unresourceful subconscious patterns and replace them with patterns of our choice. We also access higher frequencies to help us heal, love, balance and harmonize. We use Light, Crystals, Reiki, Shamanism, EFT (, Karuna Ki, Lightarian Reiki, Reiki 5-18, Isis Seichim, 7 Facet Seichim, Angel Energy and others to ground these energetic changes in our physical reality (to better understand this work, look at

We believe that self-empowerment is key so many of these techniques are taught in classes. 

We believe, that the attitudes of Infinite Possibilities, Infinite Love & Compassion (including & especially towards ourselves!) and Infinite Gratitude are key.

I wish you and abundance of love, joy, wisdom and power ... in perfect balance,


Upcoming events (4+)

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