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Article: Austin 2nd Fastest Growing City in the Nation

From: user 8.
Sent on: Monday, March 23, 2009, 3:37 PM
Dear Investors/Operators:

I thought you would like to read these two "positive" articles on Austin and Texas, in general. Austin was just listed at the nation's second-fasting growing metropolitan area between[masked], according to the US Census Bureau. The population in the Austin/Round Rock area is now around 1.65 million according to this study. Texas also holds "its place for the fourth year in a row as the best state to do business in..." according to Chief Executive magazine.

While sales velocity in Austin has slowed somewhat due to the difficulties in the financial markets, these statistics bode well for investors looking to invest in one of the best multifamily markets in the country.


Jon Strishak
President | Licensed Broker
110 Pacific Avenue #333, San Francisco, CA 94111
[address removed]
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