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Friday, 10/30, 7pm: MST3K "Bride of the Monster" and Halloween Party

From: Donna D.
Sent on: Saturday, October 24, 2015, 4:07 PM
Hi MSTies,

Friday, we're meeting at my house at 7pm:

17 Haven View Drive
Creve Coeur, Missouri 63141
Directions: https://stl-dierke...­


7pm: MST3K: "Bride of the Monster"
plus 1-2 more movies, to be decided by viewers -- bring your scary best or worst!

My plans to schedule a midnight meetup at the Tivoli were foiled when "Rocky Horror Picture Show" sold out.  We could watch it on Amazon Instant Video after "Bride of the Monster," or a middle movie.  I've got lots of Hitchcock and most of the Vincent Price movies with Roger Corman (e.g., "Tales of Terror" with Peter Lorre).  I'm sure others will bring even better candidates.

This will be our Halloween Party, so costumes are encouraged.  Perhaps the person with the best costume could pick the movie after "Bride of the Monster."

Other suggestions are welcome here:


People can cut out early or show up late.

Bring your own beverages plus a side to share, if desired.  Pizza and a few two-liter bottles of diet soda are provided.  The rest is pot luck. :-)


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