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New Meetup: Meditations for World Soul Healing and Peace

From: Ximena
Sent on: Monday, January 18, 2010, 7:01 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Power of Soul San Francisco Group!

What: Meditations for World Soul Healing and Peace

When: Wednesday, January 20,[masked]:15 PM

Love offering: $5.00 per person

Community Miracles Center
2269 Market Street @ 16th
San Francisco, CA 94114

Practice powerful guided Universal Meditations to bring soul healing to yourself, your family, your community, Mother Earth and the Universe. Learn a Universal Meditation for forgiveness that could transform all aspects of your life.

"Love melts all blockages. Forgiveness brings inner peace." -- Master Zhi Gang Sha

To bring peace to the universe, you must first heal yourself, then your family, loved ones, your society, all of humanity, Mother Earth, all souls and finally all universes.

[Reference books: Soul Mind Body Medicine and Power Healing, by Master Zhi Gang Sha.]

Learn more here: