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Finances for melb-lit group.

From: user 3.
Sent on: Saturday, October 27, 2012, 10:59 PM

As promised, here's a list of the incoming and outgoing money since I started doing the finances.

A negative balance means I've paid more money than I've collected in attendance fees.

A positive balance means I've gotten more money than I've paid to meetup.

All the 'spent' entries are payments I made to

All the '+' entries are money I collected at a meeting. They all include $2 from me.

If anyone has any questions, or notices any mistakes, please email.



6/3: spent $19 = -$19.

17/3: +$8 = -$11

31/3: +$8 = -$3

6/4: spent $45 = -$48

14/4: +$8 = -$40

28/4: +$8 = -$32

12/5: +$10 = -$22

26/5: +$6 = -$16

16/6: (would have been 3 weeks between this meeting and last, but it was cancelled.)

23/6: +$6 = -$10 (1 week gap between this meeting and cancelled meeting)

7/7: +$8 = -$2

21/7: +$12= +$10

23/7: spent $72 = -$62

4/8: +$6 = -$58

18/8: +$12 = -$46

1/9: +$4 = -$42

15/9: +$8 = -$34

29/9: +$6 = -$28

13/10: +10 = -$18

27/10: + $8 = -$10

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