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FW: Atheist Revolution - Next Justice Must Advocate Enforcement of Establishment Clause

From: Ruthe
Sent on: Thursday, April 15, 2010, 11:24 AM

Next Justice Must Advocate Enforcement of Establishment Clause

Posted: 15 Apr[masked]:15 AM PDT

The following is from an action alert from the Secular Coalition for America. This is a particularly important one.

John Paul Stevens is not just any Justice. John Paul Stevens is a Justice for the ages. Since 1975 he has been a stellar voice for secular values on our Supreme Court, and he has consistently stood for the timeless secular character of our constitutional heritage.

President Obama now has a momentous responsibility that goes far beyond any one news cycle or any transitory political climate. The decision as to who will replace Justice Stevens on the Supreme Court is one of the most important and most lasting this president will ever make.

Click here to e-mail President Obama

Please send President Obama a message: Appoint a Supreme Court Justice who will follow Justice Stevens' noble example of protecting the secular character of our constitution and considering how nontheists will be affected by court decisions. The president must nominate someone who has expressly advocated enforcement of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment and knows, as does Justice Stevens, that the privileging of religion has no place in law or government.

Time is short: The president will nominate someone soon. So here's what we need you to do right now to ensure a Supreme Court that respects the secular character of our nation and our Constitution:

Write to President Obama. Tell him to nominate a justice in the Stevens mold: a friend to Secular Americans and a guard against theocracy.

Justice Stevens is easily one of our greatest living Americans -- a Justice who has consistently stood up for us. We must work to ensure that his replacement stands for the separation of church and state with a passion and brilliance worthy of John Paul Stevens.

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