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New Meetup: Drum Wokshop with Glenn in Madison (and potluck)

From: Drumdoctor G.
Sent on: Monday, November 30, 2009, 10:06 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Greater Milwaukee Drum Circle Meetup Group!

What: Drum Wokshop with Glenn in Madison (and potluck)

When: December 5,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $15.00 per person

Jay & Sherrie Mullins
2401 Arboretum Dr.
Madison, WI 53713

This is my second fun workshop of the fall, focused on teaching essential skills and techniques
for beginning hand drummers. For those that are a bit further along, you will receive
extra parts and challenges.

We will cover hand positions and several basic strikes, as well as some of the dynamics
of playing in a group setting. Once we have you going, you will have a good bit of time
to play and become familiar with what you have learned.

We will play for a while and then take a break for some potluck dinner snacks.
Please bring something to share. Workshop will run until around nine.

I will bring many extra drums, and they will be available for sale too.
This is a great time try some different drums.

Please RSVP and email questions to me at [address removed]

When you get there, look for the really big house on the corner.

Learn more here:

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