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Quick Story About Social Media

From: Dan K.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 7:41 AM
I just wanted to tell everybody a quick story about how Social Media has helped my business.

I recently (less than 2 weeks ago) became a friend with a woman out of Arizona on Facebook who had a bulk lot of properties for sale. I ended up looking at the house last week and had it under contract last Friday. This is a great deal.

What does this mean for you? Well, it means that if you are not using Social Media to help your business then you are possibly missing out on some deals. This applies to all business, not just real estate.

Anyway, I hope you can make it to the Success With Social Media presentation we are putting on next week. Again, even though this is being put on by the Milwaukee REIA the presentation is all about Social Media and not real estate.

Just remember that you can say you are attending on Facebook and/or Meetup, but you need to register at if you want the $10 early bird special. Otherwise it is $15 at the door.

Dan Kurszewski

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