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Do you have a nice entertaining area?

From: Marlene M.
Sent on: Thursday, October 18, 2012, 4:49 PM

Hello Wine Enthusiasts!

I am looking for a member who would be willing to open their home to 12 - 24 MWL members for our November wine tasting event.  The perfect space would have a large TV where we could play a wine related movie for a BYOB mingling event.  All you would have to do is agree to open your home and offer some simple appetizers (which I would also be happy to supplement).  I will take care of posting the event, sending reminders, providing wine glasses, paper plates and napkins.  Ideally, I would want to hold this event on either the evening of Friday, November 16th or Saturday, November 17th.  Please send me an email via my profile if you would like to host this event with my help.


Thank You,


