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Mingling Members, No Show Email.....

From: Larry
Sent on: Friday, May 8, 2015, 2:49 PM

Hello Mingling In Atlanta Members! :-)

I hope everyone is having fun!

This is mainly a reminder for the New Members to the group over the last few months, since the last "No Show" Email.  PLEASE READ!!  THANK YOU!

What is a no show?

When a Member signs up to an event and does not show up to it, and made no effort to make a RSVP change telling us you are not coming to the event.

Anyone who has empathy and concern for others will most likely read all the way to the end.  Even the Members who have seen this email previously for who a refresher may be needed, THANK YOU!

Below is an explanation of why we have a no show policy and how it works in general.  I hope you understand why I have to send this out every so often.  It is all explained below, thank you.

I know it looks like a long email, but it is rather important to you and the group as a whole.

Why a No show Policy?

If a group has too many Members with No Shows, people will eventually stop coming because they have been to an event where they see 100 people signed up and only 20 show up.  If there are too many events like that, why would the ones who came out, come back?!  This has and does destroy Fun/Active groups if not kept checked.


When we tell a venue 100 people are coming, they staff up, give us discounts based on our numbers and in many cases turn away their other customers because they think 100 people are coming out.  It makes us look bad when only 20 people out of 100 show up.  We will not normally be asked back. Our Organizers work hard for others enjoyment.  It doesn't feel good when only a few show up when many are signed up.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me!

(I send this email mainly for the 200+ New Members that sign up every month, and as a refresher to the others who sometimes gets a bit lackadaisical towards their fellow members.) :-):-)

Please continue to read all the way to the end, thank you!

If you know and understand about how "no shows" negatively affect an event and the group, and still do them, there are no words to express the disappointment the responsible Members have in you.

As many of you know, we have a "No Show" policy, which is enforced as much as possible at our events for the reasons stated above.

You can find out how many no shows you have by the number under your profile name.

You should be getting a name tag at most every event.

Always look for an area where the group-check in and names tags are located.

No Show policy?

3 no shows and you are removed from the group.

Important: (We keep track of your no shows by putting a -1, -2, or -3 under your profile name.  If there is a wait list for an event and you are on the RSVP list with a -1, -2 or -3, you may be removed from that event in order to place someone who does not have a “no show” point under their name.)

Please, let's be courteous to the Venues, Organizers and other Members, and not have many no shows. Thank you!

I have said this before, barring an emergency, if you can't keep a commitment, who would want to be your friend?

Again, 3 No Shows and you receive a figurative "pink" slip. :-) :-)

I look forward to seeing everyone out having fun!!

Please contact me at [address removed] if you have any questions or constructive comments.

Thank you!
