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Cold and Beautiful - 10/6/2012, 9 AM FMHP, Walk and Pumpkin Festival

From: Fran R.
Sent on: Friday, October 5, 2012, 3:09 PM

Hello Museum Musers,

Richard and I did a test cold morning walk this morning along the same trail we'll be walking tomorrow morning before visiting the Four Mile Historic Park's Pumpkin Festival.

It was cold, but it was beautiful!!  After walking a half hour, I felt too warm to keep my jacket on, but it was just what I needed to wear when we stopped to sit down.

If you'd like to share this beautiful creek-side walk, please dress warmly with lots of layers.  You'll also need your layers for our visit to the colorful Four Mile Historic Park's Pumpkin Festival after the walk.

Below is an online picture Richard took of me today standing by the waterfall, the beginning and ending trail location.  Bring a camera if you'd like to take more beautiful pictures.  We'll meet everyone at the picnic gazebo also pictured in this same online photo album.

For more information, and to RSVP, visit our Museum Muser's calendar listing at


Wishing everyone many happy colorful fall experiences!

Fran Rew
Your Co-Host for this Meetup Event 
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