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Upcoming Meetups Oct 3 and Oct 12

From: Tim and Mary Ellen J.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 22, 2010, 7:27 PM
Dear NE Ohio NFP meetup members,

Two great meetups are planned for October. Be sure to look at the website.

Its helpful if you RSVP just so we know who to look for at the event.
(Thank you to those who have already responded.)

Sunday afternoon, Oct 3, in the Metroparks is a family activity at 12:30. Its free unless you want to pay for a hayride. Stay as long as you like.

Tuesday evening, Oct 12, at 7, is a night for the guys.

Here is a link to the meetup group site:
NE Ohio Natural Family Planning

Hope you will join us!

Tim and Mary Ellen

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