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Special meetup this Sunday

From: Daniel S.
Sent on: Thursday, September 8, 2011, 10:56 PM

Hello all,

I am writing to remind everyone that our September meeting is this Sunday, the 11th. I would also like to remind people that we will have a special guest at this meeting. Daphne Thiberge is a former neuropsychologist with Asperger's syndrome who is currently working as a life coach and has a son with Asperger's syndrome. She is starting a social skills group for adults with AS that will be meeting at the Princeton Public Library on Monday the 19th. I invite people to attend Sunday's meetup in case they have any interest in a social skills group, and so Daphne can meet other adults on the spectrum.

It is probably no secret by now that fewer people have been RSVP'ing for our meetup over the last six months, and hence fewer people have been attending. We used to get as many as eight RSVP's per meeting and as many as a dozen people attending. Now we're down to one or two people RSVP'ing and three or four (myself included) attending. I realize it's summertime, but the decline began in early spring and I really would like to turn this around. My theory is that because fewer people are RSVP'ing, fewer people are showing up. (Apparently they figure that if no one else is coming, why should they?) Therefore I ask that people please, Please RSVP at least "Maybe" if there's even the remotest chance they might be interested in coming. Let's not disappoint Daphne.

Thank you.

Your organizer, Daniel

P.S. I spoke to Ari Ne'eman, the National Director of ASAN (the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network) by telephone on Wednesday to discuss the possibility of our joining our Princeton Adult Asperger's Syndrome Meetup to ASAN. If anyone is interested in putting in their two cents' worth, or is interested in advocacy, I encourage you to come.