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New Meetup: What is the Ego really?

From: MaryLou
Sent on: Tuesday, June 29, 2010, 11:12 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The QUANTUM LEAP! New Orleans Chapter!

What: What is the Ego really?

When: Sunday, July 25,[masked]:00 PM

CC Coffee
2917 Magazine Street
New Orleans , LA

Part of understanding consciousness is understanding how to identify when our ego separates us from our greater good. Sometimes it is our ego thinking too highly of ourselves. Other times it is our ego thinking we have no value. Many people can not separate themselves from that voice in their head. As Eckhart Tolle says it is the voice in the head telling a story. The story of my life but it is just that...just a story..... a story in my head.

Can we detach from the story in our head? Does detachment empower us to become happier? Lets talk about our egos and what we know about it.

Reminder:We will try to save this group here on but I will only do so if we can do it without charging the members fees. This energy must be free and available to all regardless of economics.

We also set up a group. Go to Search for "Consciousness Shifting NOLA" and request to join. Everyone will be accepted. You must be a member of the group in order to read the wall or see the discussions. I will post the meeting info in both locations. Please RSVP at either or both locations.

If you are already in the facebook group please go to the discussion tab and participate in the discussion. Or....Start your own discussion.....that is what it is there for......lets get this ball rolling.

If you haven't been to CC's Coffee on magazine Street......Note the address as there are two CC's coffee on Magazine Street.

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