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New Meetup: Saturday! RPGA Living Forgotten Realms D&D Meetup

From: James L
Sent on: Sunday, January 10, 2010, 8:12 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The NYC Dungeons & Dragons Meetup Group!

What: RPGA Living Forgotten Realms D&D Meetup

When: Saturday, January 23,[masked]:00 PM

Citigroup Center Public Lobby
153 E. 53rd Street (53rd and Lexington)
New York, NY 10022

Come and play Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition in the Living Forgotten Realms RPGA campaign. If you have never played in the LFR RPGA campaign, please see this link for more info on organized play and how you can join.

The rpgconnect website is custom made to handle our RPGA events. On the site you can find the RPGA events in the "Upcoming Events" section.

  • Login
  • Create list of your characters on My Account page
  • Create a list of adventures you've played and never want to play again
  • Join waiting list for event
  • Join a game listed
  • or choose to DM a game for the event
  • It is not First Come First Served
    RSVP points determine your seating priority
    You start out with 5 RSVP points
    you get 5 every time you DM
  • you can only RSVP for a game that you have a character in the valid level range for
  • If the game becomes full and someone with higher RSVP points joins that game, the system will try to push you into another valid game, taking into account your characters and your list of games you never wish to play again
  • The event itself has a RSVP cutoff time, usually a day before the event, no one can join the event after that.
  • After the RSVP cutoff time people already in the event can shuffle around tables, and DMs can offer new games, this shuffling stops an hour before the event

Learn more here: