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more details about the machine learning study group

From: kevin E.
Sent on: Monday, February 3, 2014, 3:49 PM
Hi All,

I think some clarifications are needed here. We are not offering courses online for machine learning. We are just a couple of guys who will be studying machine learning  and work on problems. We were hoping to put together 2-6 people, and we are two already . We could also do with a location.

Tushar, who already has gone through the Cornell course will be leading the course and  has a more detailed knowledge about the course. His email is [address removed]. So please forward your detail questions to him.


From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: study group
Date: Mon, 3 Feb[masked]:18:05 +0000

Hi all,

We are a group of individuals that have started studying machine learning courses from Cornell university. If anyone interested to join please let us know. We will be a group size of 2-6.


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