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Demo game requests (was New Sponsor)

From: Jeff M.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 1:52 PM
I agree on the Kingsburg expansion... but I really don't think
you want to demo (at least not play a full game of) Android
unless you have up to 6 hours for setup/rules explanation/playtime,
it's a very long game even for those who have played before
(publisher says 3 hours and that's conservative).

A FF recent release that I would be interested in being
taught and playing would be their new edition of
Cosmic Encounter.

Also one I wouldn't mind a demo/play of would be
"Tribune: Primus Inter Pares"


At 01:25 PM 4/28/2009, you wrote:
I have a few ideas for things that could be demoed -- I'm restricting to Fantasy Flight games, since that's what you had as a demo game last night:
  • Kingsburg: To Forge a Realm (Fantasy flight lists it as "At the printer" but perhaps demos are available)
  • Android (available now, but I don't think anyone at game night has it)

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