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Re: [New-York-Oyster-Lovers] Complaint Email to Studio Square

From: Andrew
Sent on: Monday, August 15, 2011, 9:53 AM
Hi Julie, 

Please cc me on the email, I was in the process of writing one a well. That was an all out disaster yesterday. On paper it sounded amazing, in reality I was horrified. Thanks and love the group!


Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 15, 2011, at 9:27 AM, Julie <[address removed]> wrote:

Hey guys--

Many of you have expressed feelings of frustration and anger to me via email and I completely understand where you're coming from. I'm sure that those who haven't sent me notes are also feeling the same way. I too am quite upset about the event--not that I lost $50 or a Sunday afternoon, but more that I let all of you down. 

So it is my intention to write a complaint note to Studio Square (I am in contact with the EVP of Sales & Marketing for them) on behalf of the group. I am going to request a partial refund as well, although there are no guarantees on what will happen. 

To be as transparent as possible, please email me if you would like to be CC'd on the note.



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