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Dress Code & Drink Specials For Friday's Luau @ 230 Fifth!

From: John
Sent on: Wednesday, August 8, 2012, 8:35 PM

With over 1000 RSVPs to date, Friday's event looks great! We have exclusive access to the enclosed Penthouse Lounge, as well as access to the rooftop all evening.

We just wanted to point out that 230 Fifth is one of New York's top clubs, so they expect patrons to dress to impress. 

Jeans are allowed as long as they're in good condition; tasteful Hawaiian shirts are okay as well.See you there! 
Our apologies but no:
Ripped jeans Jeans with holes Hats T-Shirts of any kind (a polo shirt with a small collar is fine) Sweatshirts Shirts with logos or writing on them Athletic wear or jerseys Boldly emblazoned clothing of any kind, i.e., no bold stripes, bright colors, etc. Shorts for men Flip flops for Men and Women 
*Drink Specials*

While we have full access to both the enclosed Penthouse Lounge and the roof, Friday's drink specials on wine & Mai Tais are only available in the Penthouse Lounge.
Once you buy a drink you can take it up to the roof or anywhere else in the club.
See you in the penthouse lounge or on the roofdeck!