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New Meetup: Conscious Movie Night this Friday - Rendition (with Reese Witherspoon)

From: Johanna K.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 24, 2010, 11:13 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Meditation & Inner Spirituality Group - New Haven!

What: Conscious Movie Night this Friday - Rendition (with Reese Witherspoon)

When: Friday, August 27,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Center of Light
844 Grand Ave.
New Haven, CT 06511

If you have ever walked out of a movie theater affected by a powerful film, movie nights at the Center of Light are for you!

These events provide a way for people to talk about inspiring movies on a deeper level and how they affect our lives, our attitudes, our perceptions.

It?s also a great opportunity to meet like-minded people and support a worthy cause!

This month's Conscious Movie is


A thriller that centers on Isabella El-Ibrahimi, the American wife of Egyptian-born chemical engineer Anwar El-Ibrahimi, who disappears on a flight from South Africa to Washington. Isabella desperately tries to track her husband down, while a CIA analyst at a secret detention facility outside the U.S. is forced to question his assignment as he becomes party to the man's unorthodox interrogation.

Click here to view the trailer.

Any donations collected at our August Conscious Movie will go to support
Amnesty International

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